tropical indoor weed grow

Common tropical indoor weed grow problems

The decriminalization of weed in Thailand has seen an explosion in the growing of weed by people living in Thailand.

This has included a rapid learning experience for many people  growing weed indoors for the first time.

While there is a great deal of cannabis grow content available on the internet focusing on indoor grow conditions in northern and Mediterranean regions, what are common tropical indoor weed grow problems?

Mention ‘the tropics’ and for many people in the northern hemisphere a picture of paradise comes to mind (or should that be Paradise?!). However, the reality is that the tropics present a challenging environment with its own considerations and issues.

Very high temperatures, combined with high levels of humidity can result in perilous conditions that can impact a tropical indoor weed grow.

Cannabis in Thailand has been traditionally grown outdoor (in the form of famous sativas, many with super long flowering times), so indoor growing is a new concept for many people now able to cultivate up to 15 cannabis plants at home.

Many people’s first dilemma is whether to choose seeds or clones to start their grow journey. For cultivators starting a new tropical indoor weed grow we recommend seeds to ensure the grow begins with safe and disease free plants, as this article explains.

Controlling the temperature in a tropical indoor weed grow

The biggest challenge for a tropical indoor grower is often managing the temperature of the grow room. The best solution for this is to set up in a room of its own with a good electricity supply and run fans and A/C to keep the temperature down.

This is not an option for many people, so there are things you need to know if you are setting up a grow tent to avoid some of the common issues which can impact tropical indoor weed growers.

Using a dehumidifier and A/C unit is the most effective, but costly way to counter humidity in the tropical grow room, but taking preventative measures in grow management can make a difference – such as moving the air with fans, spacing out plants and avoiding stagnant water hanging around.

Tropical indoor cannabis grow: Using the right grow medium

Growing in pots is a popular technique for indoor growers everywhere and it’s no different in the tropics. To help with temperature highs, using fabric grow pots are a good idea for tropical indoor weed growers and although they are more expensive it is a cost worth paying.

A popular soil mix in tropical areas uses cheap local materials such as coco coir (coconut husk particles) as a base ingredient, with the addition of volcanic material such as perlite, worm castings and natural fertilizer (made from powdered blood and bones or ground fish by-products).

Topical indoor growers should use the right fertilizers

One of the common issues for tropical indoor weed growers in Thailand may be finding is the reliability of local fertilizer products. A key concern is about what is in the ingredients.

Plants need to be nurtured and Paradise Seeds always recommends growing organically. Inevitably, with such a young cannabis market in a country like Thailand, nutrients from North America and Europe are much more expensive.

Within time, as production shifts closer, costs should come down, but it is worth paying more for a product which comes with the correct provenance and a trusted supply line. Alternatives are natural fertilizers like homemade compost teas.

Getting the pH right for tropical indoor growing

Getting the pH right is vital for any indoor grower, and regular checking of your water source is always necessary. However, in a tropical indoor weed grow, this action needs extra attention, especially during the monsoon season or after heavy rainfall.

When it rains in the tropics the volume of water is significant, dumping several cm of rainfall in a relatively short time. As such the water table gets deluged with runoff which can cause a sudden shift in pH levels which has the potential to create many problems when feeding the grow room water system from the mains water supply. If it’s raining hard, it’s vital to keep a close check on this.

Pest control in the tropical grow room

The tropics provide the perfect environment for pests to thrive and while the pest issues tend to be the same as in other parts of the world such as Whitefly and Spidermites, pest control can be more difficult.

Whatever you use on your plants will be consumed by you later on in the cycle of the cannabis plant, so natural and safe is the way to go.

One of the best methods of defense against pests is predator mites and insects, for whom the pests are natural prey, however they tend to be more difficult to source. Enterprising indoor growers in the tropics sometimes turn to local predators, such as releasing praying mantis insects into the room (although they can often end up fighting and killing each other!).

A common sight in tropical grow rooms is hanging yellow sticky fly trap paper which attracts whitefly. and fans directed at the base of plants can disrupt the flight pattern of fungus gnats.

It is inevitable that indoor tropical growers will face issues like these at some stage in their grow room. However, with good planning and preparation these obstacles can be overcome, while constant observation of the cultivation will allow the grower to react quickly to problems such as pests.

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