
This disclaimer refers to the general terms and conditions that apply to the ordering of products and services of Paradise Products BV.

I declare the products I have ordered from Paradise Products BV will not be used/are not intended for/sold/made available with the intention to commit an illegal act or will be made available when there is serious reason to suspect they are intended for committing an illegal act, such as large scale, professional or commercial cultivation of hemp as described in the Dutch Opium Law 2015.

I declare the products I have purchased from Paradise Products BV will not be used/are not intended/sold/made available to break any law in my country. I hereby declare to be fully responsible for my acts and exclude any responsibility of Paradise Products BV if the products are used contrary to the laws of my country. I understand that seeds are sold only as souvenirs, for collection or genetic preservation purposes, germination is considered illegal in most countries.

I hereby declare I am at least 18 years of age, to have read the disclaimer and to understand the content thereof.

I declare to be familiar with and agree with the general terms and conditions of Paradise Products BV.